yesterday night we exchanged SMS again. actually I who sent the SMS and Fajar just reply to an SMS from me. as usual just a short answer and very modest. there was no greeting longing, love, or a words to sleep. he was very busy with his world and the more increasingly forgot me. increasingly feel marginalized, not comparable, this matter remains that way. I hate feeling like this. That's all i can do. What about my feeling?? Like usual, none care about that.
BalasHapusSelalu...bersabar, berusaha, dan berdo'a *asa geus d bahas di FB nya* hahaha...
BalasHapusghaahahahaha...memang obrolanna eta deui eta deui..sejak 4bln yg lalu.,..wkwkwkkwwk
BalasHapusnya da asa teu bisa nanaon deui atuh,huhuhu..:((