someone like you

26 Mar 2011

2nd aniversary

I just can not understand why.............
why do i love him??
what do i see in him?
i mean why?
when i with him i became so childish. i sometimes think, that he might think that i'm a fool girl. i'm not someone who can give him everything. i'm just a girl.

I have a male friend who is very close to me. I was with him that night and we kissed ~
It happened for a while. but it really happened. I want to talk to him about this problem, but I was not a brave enough. since that night, our relationship is weird. and he said that she misses me apparently. I think I am too. if we have an opportunity together again, we kissed again. and now I am worried about my own feelings. the problem is I do not know what he feels and what he thought about me. and he did not talk about it all. What should I do? it seems stupid kissing a close friend behind his girlfriend.

i've gotten with someone who is already in a relationship. i feel partly a shamed. partly is waiting the love's given. and partly the more big word here is a part because "I ONLY HAVE A PART OF HIM".

ini adalah kisah yang terjadi  26 maret 2009. saat itu saya rasa semua ini hanya mimpi. memilikinya hanya mimpi. Tapi sekarang ga terasa sudah 2 tahun berlalu :)
Nice.....banyak banget kenangan yang manis dan ga manis *Walaupun banyakan ga manisnya sih :)* tapi rasanya saya masih ingin menulis kisah ini lebih lama lagi. Lebih panjang lagi. jangan pernah ada akhir ya tuhan......Sampai saya mati!!!!!

Semua rasa takut dan kekhawatiran saya saat itu sudah berubah. Ternyata semua perjuangan dan sabar.hhahahaaa.....buahnya terasa sangat manis. Bersama fajar, Memiliki fajar, walaupun hanya untuk "saat ini". selama dua tahun ini banyak yang sudah saya dan fajar lalui -___-" oooohhhhh.....speachless....hahahhaaa.....banyak yang ingin di ceritakan, tapi bahkan semua kata-kata yang ada ga akan sanggup ngegambarin apa aja yang udah kita lewatin bersama.

HAPPY 2 nd ANIVERSARY. i hope you alwasys rememmber what have we done before we arrived in this spot. How i have fight for win your love.hahahaahahhaa......lebay, tp ini sungguh perjuangan yang luar biasa. Mencintai dia, seseorang yang tidak pernah aku bayangkan, never i imagine before pokoknya. tapi saya tetap bertahan, dan dia juga.......

Thanks for the time......for the love that you give. that's the best that you has give to me. you are the gift from god :)